SHSU is a foreign medical school located in Vieux fort the country of St. Lucia, West Indies.
Spartan Health Sciences University is a private, for-profit medical school located in Vieux Fort, St. Lucia, in the Caribbean. Spartan confers upon its graduates the Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree. Spartan graduates can practice medicine in 46 US states.
Spartan was established in Saint Lucia on January 7, 1980 as St. Lucia Health Sciences University. The first campus was located in Castries the capital city. In November 1983, the school was renamed Spartan Health Sciences University and relocated to Vieux Fort.
Spartan health sciences university-School of Medicine, an independent medical institution was established on January 7, 1980. Spartan health sciences university-SOM offers a four-year (40 calendar months) academic program leading to the Doctor of Medicine degree (M.D.), and is taught on a trimester (four months) schedule. The curriculum of the University’s Doctor of Medicine degree program encompasses a comprehensive course of Basic Sciences, Pre-clinical, bridging curriculum and Clinical Sciences that is four (4) academic years. The trimester period commences in January, May, and September of each year. A student may elect to enter in any one of the three (3) trimesters. The five trimesters of the Basic Science program is an integrated presentation of the following: Basic medical sciences include Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Behavioural Sciences, Pharmacology, and Pathology. Pre- clinical didactics include General Introduction to Medicine and Physical Diagnosis. Didactic lectures in Internal Medicine, Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Obstetrics/Gynaecology and Surgery. A bridging curriculum is introduced for integration of Basic Sciences into Clinical Sciences. The Clinical Science program consist of four (4) trimesters and is committed to broad exposure in the major clinical disciplines of Internal Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, and Psychiatry. The Bridging Curriculum consists of series of problem solving exercises and clinical case studies, some in small groups settings, intertwined with the Basic Sciences and Introduction to clinical sciences. Students will apply acquired basic science knowledge to pre- clinical science topics using critical decision making techniques.
Spartan Health Sciences University, School of Medicine is an independent medical institution established on January 7, 1980 and is located in the heart of the Caribbean Islands, in the southern district (Vieux Fort) of St. Lucia, West Indies (W.I.).
Spartan Health Sciences University is accredited by The St. Lucia Medical Schools Accreditation and Monitoring Committee set by the Government of St. Lucia and Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and Other Health Professions-CAAM-HP. “PROVISIONAL”.
The University is located in Vieux-Fort on a spacious property. It has a spectacular view of the surrounding green landscape, the Caribbean Sea and the island of St. Vincent. The facilities have continuously evolved into a modern multi-million dollar medical school complex. Classrooms are large and climate- controlled for year round comfort. Students find our classrooms, laboratory, library, dining and exercise facilities exceptional. Faculty and administrative offices are located within the campus allowing students easy access to any needed assistance.
The library has a comprehensive collection of books, audio-visual aids, periodicals, and online medical journals. It is equipped with computers and wireless internet access and also has quiet areas conducive for studying. The Library is open from 6 a.m. – 11:45 p.m. daily with night transportation service.
The University boasts a modern Anatomy and Histology laboratory as well as an isolated dissection room and cadaver storage facility.
The University’s mission is to serve the public in general, improving the health standards and particularly, the primary health care delivery systems of St. Lucia, West Indies.
The goals of the University are to –
Application Fee: U.S.$ 100.00 (non-refundable)
Deposit (part of the first semester tuition) : U.S.$1000.00 (non-refundable)
Malpractice Insurance Coverage (per year): U.S.$ 500.00
Revalidation Fees for Basic Sciences (transfer students only): U.S. $ 1000.00
Graduation Document (Processing Fee): U.S.$ 500.00
Official Transcript: U.S.$ 20.00
Transcript Student copy (Unofficial): U.S.$ 5.00
Re-Application fee: U.S.$ 60.00
Hospital privilege fee: U.S.$ 20.00
FCVS verification fee: U.S.$ 100.00
State licensure verification fee: U.S.$ 100.00
*All prices are listed in US dollars.
The University is listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools, published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland. Spartan is also in the International Medical Education Directory (IMED), maintained by the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) of Education Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) of U.S.A.
“The International Medical Education Directory (IMED) provides an accurate and up-to-date resource of information about international medical schools that are recognized by the appropriate government agency in the countries where the medical schools are located. The agency responsible for this recognition in most countries is the ⁸Ministry of Health. Medical schools that are recognized by the appropriate agencies in their respective countries are listed in the International Medical Education Directory”.
A medical school is listed in IMED only after FAIMER receives confirmation from the Ministry of Health or other appropriate agency, that the medical school is recognized by the Ministry or other agency. FAIMER also updates the IMED as and when it receives information about medical schools from Health Ministries or other appropriate agencies.
Spartan’s students and graduates are eligible for ECFMG examinations (which includes passing Steps 1, 2 & 3 of the USMLE, clearing the CSA Test, and having successfully completed three years of residency training) and for ECFMG certification for licensure in the United States and Canada. Each state requires ECFMG Certification. It is necessary for students to request from each individual state, in which they desire to practice, the licensing application, and rules and regulations for medical licensure in that particular state. Students are responsible for abiding by the requirements for physician licensure as established by the State Medical Licensing Boards in the states in which they intend to obtain a medical license. Students interested in practicing medicine outside of the United States and Canada, must meet the licensing requirements of the country in which they desire to practice.
Spartan Health Sciences University - higher education institution in Saint Lucia. The university is a part of a small town called Vieux Fort in Saint Lucia. Spartan Health Sciences University takes the first place in the national rankings of Saint Lucia.
Spartan health sciences university ranks at 13125 all over the world.
For many years Spartan Health Sciences University has collaborated closely with the Ministry of Health in promoting the concept of primary health care to the community. In this regard, the University together with the out-district health teams of the Ministry continues to promote out-district health clinics for the purpose of screening and educating the public on matters pertaining to health in general and non-communicable diseases as it relates in particular to diabetes and hypertension which is quite prevalent in St. Lucia. During these Health clinics, students, faculty and other health professional interacts positively in providing health education and health care to the community, In addition, both faculty and students have the opportunity to gain both knowledge and skills in their clinical assessment of patients. These out-district health clinics will now serve the University well in gathering crucial data information for its research projects in the areas of diabetes and hypertension. Information emanating from such research should augur well towards better health education.
From the above, one sees an organized activity, which really promotes faculty and student collaborating with the community – which really reflects the University’s mission regarding service to the community. In addition; relevant research projects and similar activities no doubt encourages faculty self development.
The MD program at Spartan is a ten-trimester course of study that consists of three trimester per calendar year. trimesters 1-5 are completed at the Saint Lucia campus; semesters 6-10 consist of 80 weeks of clinical study that are completed at teaching hospitals approved by the university.
Spartan also has a school of nursing. The nursing program was chartered by The Government of St Lucia and is licensed the University. It is also accredited by the Monitoring Committee appointed by the Government of St. Lucia to ensure that standards are comparable to those set by the Liaison Committee of Medical Education as required by the Department of Education in the United States. A school of veterinary medicine was opened on January 14, 2015, and was developed in collaboration with Tec medics Inc.
SHSU is a foreign medical school located in Vieux fort the country of St. Lucia, West Indies.
The Liaison Committee for Medical Education of the American Medical Association accredits medical schools loca⁰ted only in the United States and Canada. For example, LCME does not accredit Cambridge or Oxford Universities located in the United Kingdom. Spartan is Licensed, Chartered and Accredited by the Government of St. Lucia and its curriculum closely follows the standards and guidelines set by LCME.
The total length of MD program is 40 calendar months, ie., 4 academic years
You are required to have 90 college credits. College and university studies should include:
Official transcripts from accredited medical schools/no direct transfer to clinical rotations/ Must enroll into one trimester (5th tri) providing that basic sciences is completed at previous university.
Yes. Unfortunately, the mail from United States to St. Lucia, West Indies takes more than three weeks. If you send mail to New York, it will be electronically transferred to St. Lucia. You can send the mail by United States Postal Service (Regular Mail / Express Mail / Priority Mail / Certified Mail) to the following address to expedite the mail service to St. Lucia.
Request in writing on a “Transcript Request Form” with proper payment enclosed. Also provide the information as to where it needs to be sent with student/graduates signature authorizing the request. Students file has to be complete and with no financial obligation to the University. All Basic Science course grades have to be recorded and original clinical evaluations have to be received by the University and are on file. Clinical rotations grades are entered on a trimester basis, i.e. every 16 weeks It takes about 7-10 business days to mail the transcript once the request is received.
Comprehensive Exit Examination is conducted at the end of the basic sciences and pre-clinical program in St. Lucia. Passing score is required and is mandatory to start clinical rotations.