The American Board of Internal Medicine is a nonprofit physician evaluation association that approves physicians for practising internal medicine and it's specialities. The American Board of Internal Medicine does not work on providing membership to society and providing licensing to bodies.

The American Board of internal medicine aims at strengthening the quality of the health care system by certifying the interns and physicians in a particular field and subspeciality, for better skills, practice care.

The American Board of Internal Medicine was founded in the year 1936. The organisation was founded by the American Medical Association and the American College of Physicians. The organisation certifies physicians and it began maintaining certification examinations every 10 years for continued board certification.

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The American Board of Internal Medicine is the largest 24 members certifying board of the American Board of Medical Specialities.

The American Board of Internal Medicine sub categorise its specialities into the following-

  1. Adolescent medicine.
  2. Adult Congenital heart medicine.
  3. Advanced heart failure and transplant cardiology
  4. Gastroenterology.
  5. Cardiovascular disease.
  6. Clinical cardiac electrophysiology.
  7. Intensive care medicine.
  8. Endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism.
  9. Hematology.
  10. Hospice and Palliative care.
  11. Geriatric medicine.
  12. Hospital Medicine.
  13. Infectious medicine.
  14. Interventional cardiology.
  15. Nephrology
  16. Medical oncology.
  17. Rheumatology
  18. Pulmonary disease
  19. Transplant hepatology -
  20. Sleep medicine.

Transplant hepatology


The American Board of internal medicine certification makes sure that the physicians have completed their residency program in a medical speciality and have passed the required examination. Also, the certification incorporates six general abilities constructed by the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education. According to the American Board of internal medicine, the physician must have:

  • Complete the requisite predoctoral medical education.
  • Meet the training requirements.
  • Meet the licensure requirements and procedural requirements.
  • Pass a secure board certification examination.

Some or many hospitals and clinics require certification for having admitting privileges and also many health plans require certification for eligibility for selected networks.

The American Board of internal medicine acknowledges the somebody suggests the following -

  • A physician's ability to independently and accurately self assess with analysis demonstrating no consensus and more clinical experience may not certainly result in better results.
  • Also more than 30% of physicians see their report of performance and improve. Certain programs run in the country that evaluates physician's performance, validates the educational and assessment methods, utilize and improve learning.

There is tightly braid, self credentialed medical quality developed in the United States.

The American Board of internal medicine assesses a physician through testing and practical stuff.

  • The American Board of Internal Medicine has granted more than 425,000 certificates in internal medicine and its subspecialties in the United States and the surrounding cities since the time it was found.
  • Between the year 2001 and 2013, the American Board of Internal Medicine has validated 91,024 physicians in general internal medicine.
  • From 2001 to 2013, the American Board of Internal Medicine certified more than 10,000 cardiologists and more than 6,400 medical oncologists.
  • More than 140,000 physicians including more than 8,000 physicians holding valid certifications indefinitely are nowadays enrolled in the American Board of Internal Medicine 's Maintenance of Certification procedure.


The American Board of internal medicine research shows that the practices followed by the physician do not change with time even though there are diverse medical advances in the world with time.

The physicians who were certified in or after 1990 have to renew their certification every 10 years through the American Board of Internal Medicine Maintainance of Certification program.

The American Board of Internal Medicine's Maintenance of Certification program altered in the year 2014. The program now states a physician to have the following:

  • Possess a valid medical license.
  • Earn Maintenance of Certification points.
  • Some Maintenance of Certification activity every two years.
  • 100 Maintenance of Certification points every five years.
  • Pass Maintenance of Certification exam in one's speciality every 10 years.


The American Board of internal medicine verification system is an important part of the process of selecting a doctor.

To meet the needs of hospitals, care organisations, funding organisation, insurance companies the American Board of Internal. medicine verification provides the online system to verify. The reports, clinical status, retired status, are all shared in this.

The verification system includes data from the American Board of internal medicine database and is under the direct and complete control of the staff of American Board of internal medicine verification at its offices and this information are protected from getting altered from an unknown user.

While written Verification of Diplomate status may be obtained from the American Board of internal medicine or a fee of $25.00 per physician, American Board of internal medicine suggests the use of its online system as it provides the identical and original information.

American Board of internal medicine permits to copy the information provided on this online Verification system to maintain a record of physician credentials and their activities to evaluate the physician's qualification and the expertise.


The American Board of Internal Medicine Results can be seen only if the candidate has appeared in the exams.

After you've appeared in the examination, your overall score will depend on your performance in the entire exam conducted by The American Board of Internal medicine. Your all-around performance will be evaluated and examined to guarantee the reliability of individual results.

Conventional American Board of Internal Medicine results: Your final results of The American Board of Internal Medicine will be released within three months of the last date of the exam in that area. When your results are disclosed, you will receive an e-mail notification with instructions on how to access your result report in PDF format controlled by Physician portal of the American Board of Internal Medicine Results.

Knowledge regarding Check-In results: Your final results will be published in roughly three to four weeks. When your results are released, you will receive an e-mail notification with instructions on how to access your score report in PDF format from your Physician Portal of the American Board of Internal Medicine results.

The score reports and The American Board of Internal Medicine results are given electronically within your Physician Portal and not via any mail.

To find the report of The American Board of Internal Medicine result

Sign in to your American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Physician Portal.

Go to the menu at the top select "My Exams. "

Click on the blue pointer next to the name of the exam/assessment.

Select "View Score Report. "

The American Board of Internal Medicine results will be accessible for two years from the date on which they were released. For exams taken in 2015 or later they will be available within your


What is the American Board of Internal Medicine?

The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, self-appointed physician-evaluation organization that certifies physicians practicing internal medicine and its subspecialties.

What does the American Board of Internal Medicine do?

The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, self-appointed physician-evaluation organization that certifies physicians practicing internal medicine and its subspecialties.

How does the American Board of Internal Medicine certification is approved?

Certification. American Board of Internal Medicine Board Certification demonstrates that physicians have completed a residency in a specified medical specialty and have passed a rigorous knowledge assessment exam.

How do you get the American Board of Internal Medicine results?

  1. Sign in to your ABIM Physician Portal.
  2. From the Menu at the top select "My Exams. "
  3. Click on the blue arrow next to the name of the exam/assessment.
  4. Select "View Score Report. "