The University of Studies “Udine”

The University of Udine (Italian Università degli Studi di Udine) is a university in the city of Udine, Italy. It was founded in 1978 as part of the reconstruction plan of Friuli after the earthquake in 1976. Its aim was to provide the Friulian community with an independent centre for advanced training in cultural and scientific studies and it is an important centre for the studies of Friulian language.

The University is actively involved in student and staff exchange projects with universities within the European Union, Australia and Canada, and is currently engaged in close collaboration with several universities from Eastern Europe and other non-EU countries. Moreover, the University participates in many research projects at national and international level. The present number of students enrolled at the University is approximate 17,000.

The University of Udine, or Universita Degli Studi Di Udine in Italian, is a publicly funded university located in the city of Udine in the north east of Italy.

It is not a big university, but it is very active in terms of academic offer: many courses and specialisations, with one of the best Faculties of Foreign Languages in the country, a lot of opportunities for students (study abroad, internships, etc.).

Being not too big, it offers a friendly and not too formal environment, where most professors genuinely care about their students, who never have the feeling to be just a number.

I really appreciated my Mastes studies, which were not crowded and allowed me to learn a lot.

Other bigger universities might have more known or famous professors, big names in the academic world and in the media, but this university has many professors who are at least as worth as their VIP colleagues, showing great professionality and interest towards the subject they teach and willing to educate their students in the broader sense.

The contribution of a student is necessary to sustain a part of the cost of services dedicated to students (classes, laboratories, general services), which is estimated at € 7.358 per year for each student.

The payment of tuition fees, that include the regional tax for the right to study, allows a student to attend lectures, exercises, laboratories, to book exams and receive certificates. These rights are being suspended if relative fees are not payed.

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The annual university tuition fees are divided into 3 installments, which include
  • all-inclusive annual contribution (up to a maximum of € 1,800.00 for those who are not entitled to any type of reduction. The amount rises to € 1,900.00 for those who are out of course from the second year onwards or, due to recognition of previous careers (university qualifications), are not entitled to any kind of reduction)
  • regional tax for the right to university study, which is transferred by the University in full to the Regional Agency for the Right to Higher Studies (ARDISS). The regional tax has a variable amount (€ 120.00; € 140.00 or € 160.00), determined according to the valid ISEE for the subsidized services for the right to university study. For those who are not entitled to reductions or have not applied for a fee reduction resulting in the ISEE declaration, the regional tax amounts to € 160.00;
  • stamp duty (€ 16.00).

Tuition fees will be calculated based on the 2019 ISEE value with special subsidies, in relation to the right to higher education.

With an ISEE value up to € 23,000, first year students and students that meet merit requirements are totally exempted from paying tuition fees.

Above this threshold, the tuition fee increases in proportion with special subsidies for the lowest incomes.

If a student enrolls in years following the first, in order to obtain the total exemption or to pay tuition fees.



Prospective students who hold a foreign qualification and want to apply for a First Cycle Degree

Or a Single Cycle Degree Course must follow the recognition procedure for foreign qualifications.

The procedure will not turn the foreign qualification into an Italian one, but it will allow the Enrollment in first cycle degree courses (Bachelors or Single Cycle Degree). The foreign school

Qualification has to meet the following criteria

  • It must be an official high school diploma from the foreign education system of reference;
  • The diploma must allow enrollment in First Cycle Degree Courses in the foreign system of Reference, academically equivalent to the Italian one
  • The student must have obtained a high school qualification after at least 12 years of Schooling;
  • Where a national exam or a final exam is required in order to access higher education in the Country of origin, the same will be required for Italian university courses.

In order to obtain the “Statement of comparability – CIMEA”, the student should fill in the online

After having obtained the Statement of comparability, which provides for access to the University, the prospective student should follow the admission procedures laid down in the Prospectus and provided for the chosen degree course, following closely the admission rules.

The above-mentioned procedure is required for all the students who have a foreign Qualification, more specifically:

  • Candidates with a foreign qualification, released by an UE or non-UE Higher Education Institution;
  • Candidates who are legally established in a non-European country will have to apply for an Entry visa for study purposes at the Italian Embassy on foreign soil.


Prospective students who hold a foreign qualification and want to apply for a Second Cycle Degree Course must follow the recognition procedure of foreign qualifications.

The procedure Will not turn the foreign qualification into an Italian one, but it will allow enrollment in Second Cycle Degree Courses (Master’s Degree Courses). The foreign university qualification has to Meet the following criteria:

  • It must be an official First Cycle Degree qualification released by a foreign education System’s official institution;
  • It must be a foreign qualification that permits access to Second Cycle Degree Courses;
  • The qualification must be provided with practical and disciplinary elements that Correspond to elements of the Italian qualification required for access.

In order to obtain the “Statement of comparability – CIMEA”, the student should fill in the online

Form on the following web page and click on the option [Statement of Comparability – university qualification] (alternatively, a Declaration of value may be Accepted2).

After obtaining the Statement of comparability, which allows the access to Master’s Degree Courses, the student should contact the University Mobility and International Relations OfficeBy sending an email to [email protected] and attaching the following documents:

  • Statement of comparability of the foreign university qualification, released by Cimea;
  • Transcript of records and Syllabus* of the foreign First Cycle Degree;
  • Copy of a valid identity document: ID/Passport.

Detailed description of subjects studied

The student will have to await the outcome of the academic curricula prior to assessment and Then follow the admission procedures laid down in the Prospectus, provided for the chosen Degree course, following closely the admission rules.

The above-mentioned procedure is required for all students who have a foreign qualification,

More specifically

Candidates with a foreign qualification, released by an UE or non-UE Higher Education Institution;

Candidates who are legally established in a non-European country will have to apply for an Entry visa for study purposes at an Italian Embassy on foreign soil.

The following categories of prospective international students are exempted from the Preliminary Italian language examination and can enroll irrespective of the number of reserved Places:

  • Students who hold a secondary school qualification of second level, achieved in Italian State and in officially recognized schools abroad, with a duration of four or five years;
  • Students who hold one of the secondary school final qualifications that are listed in the Annex2 of the Official admission rules and regulations to Italian higher education Institutions, issued by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research for Academic year 2019/2020;
  • The holders of complementary certificates to the final qualification of Secondary School obtained in Argentina, which certifies attendance in a course of study including Italian language lessons, with a minimum duration of five years, under the Law no. 210 of the 07.06.1999 ( of the 01.07.1999);
  • Students who have achieved the Qualification of Italian language and Culture (Diploma Di lingua e cultura italiana) at The University of Siena;
  • Students who have obtained an Italian language certificate of C1 or C2 level of the European Council. The certification must be released within the quality system CLIQ (Italian Language Certification of Quality), which involves all the current certification Authorities (The University of Perugia for foreign students, The University of Siena for Foreign students, Roma Tre University and the Società Dante Alighieri ) and The University Dante Alighieri for foreign students (Reggio Calabria), in agreement with The Institutes of Italian culture abroad or with other entities.

With reference to enrollments in Master’s Degrees, if the university provides autonomously for The tests, the students who hold the qualifications described in point (d) and € will be.

Founded in 1978, Università degli Studi di Udine (University of Udine) is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the urban setting of the small city of Udine (population range of 50,000-249,999 inhabitants), Friuli Venezia Giulia. This institution also has branch campuses in the following locations: Pordenone, Medea. Officially recognized by the Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, Italia (Ministry of Education, Universities and Research of Italy), Università degli Studi di Udine (UNIUD) is a large (uniRank enrollment range: 15,000-19,999 students) coeducational Italian higher education institution. Università degli Studi di Udine (UNIUD) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor degrees, master degrees, doctorate degrees in several areas of study. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. This 42 years old Italian higher-education institution has a selective admission policy This higher education institution has an open admission policy. International students are welcome to apply for enrollment. UNIUD also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a library, sports facilities, study abroad and exchange programs, online courses and distance learning opportunities, as well as administrative services.The housing situation in Udine is quite difficult.

As the number of places is limited, we Recommend that you apply for housing through the ISS as soon as possible. The International Student Service cannot guarantee the availability of accommodation for all exchange Students.


The request for accommodation is binding with landlords. Please make Genuine requests.

For ordinary exams, universities in Italy use a 30-point scale simply divided in two: non Passing (0 to 17), and passing grades (18 to 30 cum laude). For the final score a 110-point Scale is used, which is divided in two as well, with 66 being the minimum grade for passing.

The 110-point takes into consideration of both exam scores and the final thesis. For Outstanding results, the Lode “praise” is added to the maximum grade.

Scale Grade Description
  • 29.00 – 30.00 Ottimo – Cum Laude (With honors and commendations)
  • 27.00 – 28.99 Molto Buono (Very Good)
  • 24.00 – 26.99 Buono (Good)
  • 19.00 – 23.99 Soddisfacente (Satisfactory)
  • 18.00 – 18.99 Sufficiente (Sufficient)
  • 0.0 – 17.99 Respinto (Fail)
  • 1.0


The University of Udine includes a wide network of libraries and services supporting Study, teaching and research.

University Hospital Library offers University and Hospital staff a reinforced and Expanded range of services while optimising utilisation of the economic and human Resources of both institutions. The Library manages the bibliographical assets of the Departments of: Pathology and Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Medical and Morphological Research, Surgical Science, Biomedical Science and Technology and The Santa Maria della Misericordia University Teaching Hospital.

The Library holds . More than 10,000 monographs, 1,198 periodicals and numerous extracts relating to The biomedical sector.Economics and Law Library – Initially founded as the Library of the Institute of Finance and Economics in 1989, our library evolved along with the Faculty of Economics. As the Institute ceased and was replaced by the Economics Department, Finance Department, Statistics Department and the Law Department, the library grew Into an Interdepartmental Centre which was founded in 1995. In 1999 the new-born Faculty of Law invested the Centre with the responsibility of managing its Acquisitions. The Library possesses about 40,000 books mainly on economics, Business, finance and banking, statistics, sociology, mathematics, history and law and Its collections increase about 2,000 new books every year. It also possesses about 950 Journals, for 645 of which there is a current subscription; about 2,000 electronic Journals; 40 online databases.

Its aim was to provide the Friulian community with an independent centre for advanced training in cultural and scientific studies.

What is the Ranking of The University of Studies “Udine”

  • 601–800 th - World University Rankings 2021
  • 101–150 th - Young University Rankings 2020
  • 151-200 th - European Teaching Rankings 2019