Since 1860, New York Medical College (NYMC) has trained generations of students from all over the world to deliver skilled and compassionate medical care, explore the basic science questions that lead to important discoveries, and provide leadership in the field of public health and essential services to people with specialized care needs.

The School of Medicine, Graduate School of Basic Medical Sciences, and School of Health Sciences and Practice, the Touro College of Dental Medicine at New York Medical College, and the Touro College School of Health Sciences’ nursing program at New York Medical College – all on the Valhalla campus in Westchester County, New York, provides a large catchment area that enables our students to treat and work with culturally and economically diverse populations, and pursue a wide range of career, residency and internship opportunities. Our affiliate hospitals are some of the finest in the tri-state area, and our faculty is unsurpassed in their dedication and skill.

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New York Medical College is located on a 565-acre suburban campus shared with Westchester Medical Center, 15 miles outside of the New York City limits.

New York Medical College is distinguished by its inclusive and humanistic approach to education. Historically, we were ahead of our time in admitting and graduating women and students of color. Having joined the Touro College and University System in 2011, we are enjoying a new era of growth, diversity and opportunity, illustrated by recent innovations such as our Clinical Skills and Simulation Center, Biotechnology Incubator and impressive growth in applications and fundraising.


The group, led by William Cullen Bryant, the noted poet, abolitionist and editor of the Evening Post, was particularly concerned with the condition of hospitals and medical education. Bryant was zealously devoted to the branch of medicine known as homeopathy. The school opened its doors on the corner of 20th street and Third Avenue as the New York Homeopathic Medical College. Bryant served as the medical school’s first president and held the office of president of the Board of Trustees for 10 years.

Advancing Medical Careers for Women

In 1863, a separate but related institution known as the New York Medical College for Women was founded by Dr. Clemence Sophia Lozier, staffed and supervised by many of the College’s male faculty. In 1867, Dr. Loziers institution graduated the first female Canadian physician, Dr. Emily Stowe, who had previously been refused admission to every medical school in her native Canada. Dr. Susan McKinney, the first African-American female physician in New York State and the third in the nation, graduated from New York Medical College for Women in 1870 with the highest grade in the class. When the institution closed in 1918, students transferred to the College. Thus, New York Medical College makes its claim to be among the first medical schools to admit women.

Metropolitan Hospital and Flower and Fifth Avenue Hospitals

In 1875, Metropolitan Hospital opened as a municipal facility on Ward’s Island, staffed largely by the faculty of New York Medical College. Today that relationship is one of the nation’s oldest continuing affiliations between a private medical school and a public hospital.

The Flower Free Surgical Hospital, built by New York Medical College in 1889, was the first teaching hospital in the country to be owned by a medical college. It was constructed at York Avenue and 63rd Street with funds given largely by Congressman Roswell P. Flower, later governor of New York. By 1935, the College had transferred its outpatient activities to the Fifth Avenue Hospital at Fifth Avenue and 106th Street. The College (including Flower Hospital) and Fifth Avenue Hospital merged in 1938 and became New York Medical College, Flower and Fifth Avenue Hospitals.

Nation’s First Minority Scholarship Program

In 1928, the College became the first medical school in the nation to establish a scholarship program specifically for minority students through the efforts of Walter Gray Crump Sr., M.D. An alumnus and voluntary faculty member who participated vigorously in the academic life of the College, Dr. Crump taught surgery, served as a staff surgeon at other hospitals, was a founder of the New York Medical College for Women, was a trustee of Tuskegee Institute and Howard University and assumed a leading role in the advancement of minority education and minority affairs.

Growth of Graduate Education

The College’s Certificate of Incorporation was amended in 1938 to include authority to award graduate degrees in addition to the M.D., specifically, a master of science in medicine, a doctorate in medical science and a doctorate in public health. College archives, however, record scheduling of advanced courses and research activity as early as 1910 and offerings of graduate courses in surgery and medicine to residents in the 1920s. In 1963, the Graduate School of Medical Sciences was founded, establishing for the first time graduate education within a school separate from the medical curriculum. The Board of Trustees renamed the school the Graduate School of Basic Medical Sciences in 1969.

The Move to Westchester County

The advent of new technologies in the ’60s and ’70s made it increasingly expensive to operate Flower and Fifth Avenue Hospitals. In addition, the College was subsidizing faculty salaries to supplement private practice income. Around the mid-1960s, New York Medical College began to consider relocating its campus. After reviewing several options, the Board of Trustees voted to accept a proposal from Westchester County to apply for a federal grant that would fund nearly half the expense of creating a new medical center on the grounds of the existing Grasslands Hospital. College administration moved to the Valhalla campus in August of 1971 and in 1972 the new Basic Sciences Building was open.

The Relationship with the Archdiocese of New York

At this critical time in the Colleges history, the Board of Trustees attempted to interest the Archdiocese of New York in College affairs. In 1978, Terence Cardinal Cooke, Archbishop of New York, agreed to foster a relationship. He perceived that affiliation with a medical college would be important to the continued excellence of an extensive Catholic hospital system. The Archdiocese helped the College restructure its debt on more favorable terms, strengthened the Board of Trustees and added many Catholic hospitals to the College’s affiliations. It also assumed operation of Flower and Fifth Avenue Hospitals, converting the facility into a specialty hospital serving the developmentally disabled. (It is presently known as Terence Cardinal Cooke Health Care Center.) In 1980, intercession by the Archdiocese was critical in preventing the city from closing Metropolitan Hospital, the College’s oldest affiliation.

Decade of Achievement

During the Decade of Achievement” (1978-1988), the size and stature of faculty, quality and amount of funded research, caliber of students and improvements in medical care afforded to people in communities served by the College increased significantly. Hospital affiliations grew to 34 in number, affording medical students a wide range of clinical training opportunities. National Institutes of Health research grant and contract awards more than doubled; sponsored programs (research, training and service) and New York State appropriations grew to a record level of $23 million. The Graduate School of Health Sciences now known as the School of Health Sciences and Practice (SHSP) was founded in 1980 to respond to the growing regional and national need for healthcare professionals.

New Directions

The College’s progress, distinguished by a marked increase in the academic quality of the student body, continued. In 1992 the College launched a strategic planning initiative. For almost three years, the academic community engaged in intensive committee meetings, retreats, focus groups and surveys intended to clarify the institutions strategic vision and direction. The resulting strategic plan, approved by the Board of Trustees, served as the foundation for the College’s reengineering efforts and is a valued reference document for program planning and resource allocation. Early in the decade, the Board of Trustees recognized that the nations demand for healthcare professionals would soon exceed supply and began to focus attention on the School of Health Sciences and Practice (then, the School of Public Health). The College charged the dean with responsibility for revitalizing the School and expanding program offerings. Within a few years, enrollment increased by more than 50 percent and currently exceeds 600 students. In 1997, the School’s new physical therapy program was accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education. Subsequently, a Master of Science program in speech-language pathology began in 1999.

Leading the nation in response to a shortage of primary care physicians, the School of Medicine developed a program with the goal of doubling the number of medical school graduates who, after completing their residencies, enter generalist practices. The program, known as the generalist physician initiative, was awarded major funding from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, one of only 14 nationwide so designated. One innovative aspect of the generalist physician initiative, offered in conjunction with academic health center partner Saint Vincent’s Hospital and Medical Center of New York, affords eligible fourth-year medical students an opportunity to begin a residency program in Internal Medicine and thereby complete training in six years rather than the traditional seven.

By the middle of the 1990's, the College had secured its first accreditation by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, concurrent with the School of Medicine’s re-accreditation by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education. This was followed a few years later with Accreditation as a School of Public Health. A longtime student concern – on-campus housing – was addressed with the completion of new construction to accommodate an additional 300 students. A renovation of a campus building into a state-of-the-art Learning Center comprising classrooms, a computer laboratory and small group study rooms was also completed.

As the College strengthened, the need for a chief academic officer became more apparent. In 1995, the College appointed a provost to serve in this capacity.

The School of Medicine recorded large research grants during this period for the study of endothelial cells, for the study of cellular immune reactions significant in cancer, for studies on hypertension and hormones relevant to the regulation of blood pressure, for research in cardiovascular and renal disease, the neurosciences, and infectious diseases. In 2001, the College completed construction of a new $24 million Medical Education Center and renovation of the Basic Sciences Building, the hub of campus research activity.

The Change in Sponsor and the New Relationship with Touro College and University System

As a result of several years of operating deficits and the increasing recognition that as a freestanding medical institution there was a need for a university or health system sponsor to achieve positive synergies in education and medical research, the College actively sought a sponsor able to make a significant investment in the institution and actively offer expanded educational opportunities. The Archdiocese of New York, the sponsor of the College since 1978, had moved its health care ministry away from acute care hospitals, and as a result of this change in Archdiocesan mission, joined the College in seeking a nonprofit sponsor to take its place in fostering NYMC’s growth and prosperity.

After engaging in extensive negotiations and due diligence, the Archdiocese of New York and Touro College reached an agreement in late December 2009 for Touro to replace the Archdiocese as the sponsor of New York Medical College. The transaction was completed in mid-May 2011. According to the terms of the transaction agreement, the College will continue to operate as a separate institution, with the authority to appoint the College’s Board of Trustees being transferred from the Archdiocese to a new entity organized by Touro (NYMC, LLC).

Touro is a system of non-profit institutions of higher and professional education. Touro College was chartered in 1970 primarily to enrich the Jewish heritage, and to serve the larger American and global community. Approximately 19,200 students are currently enrolled in its various schools and divisions. Touro College has 30 campuses and locations in New York, California, Nevada, Berlin, Jerusalem and Moscow. New York Medical College; Touro University California and Touro University Nevada; Touro University Worldwide and its Touro College Los Angeles division; as well as Hebrew Theological College in Skokie, Ill. are separately accredited institutions within the Touro College and University System.

Onward and Upward

In fall 2016, the campus celebrated a major event: the opening of the Touro College of Dental Medicine at New York Medical College (TCDM). The import of this event was not lost on the attendees at the official opening of the school:

“Today we are celebrating the tenacity to pursue an audacious vision,” said Rabbi Krupka, executive vice president, in his grand opening remarks on September 28 when TCDM officially opened its doors on the NYMC campus, welcoming 111 students to the first new dental school in New York State in nearly 50 years and the first dental school under Jewish auspices outside the state of Israel.

And what a school it was. Built partly in response to New York States scarcity of dentists to serve the population – in 2016, nearly 20 million state residents lacked basic dental care – TCDM featured state-of-the-art facilities with a progressive curriculum designed to prepare general dentists for the 21st century.

The dental school took residence in the College’s 19 Skyline Drive building, acquired in 2013. The expansive fourth floor was converted into 50,000 square feet of classrooms, lecture halls, simulation laboratories and training facilities as well as student commons and offices. The third floor of the building was transformed into an advanced digital simulation lab for student training, featuring a sea of computerized dental simulation stations, one per student. Each station included a mannequin “patient” with replaceable dentitions as well as individual computer screens enabling each student to watch an instructor demonstrate a procedure from anywhere in the room.

In January 2018, the TCDM opened a community dental clinic offering affordable, quality dental services to regional residents in need. This reinforced NYMC’s long-standing commitment of offering clinical care and service to the community, while giving third- and fourth-year dental students significant opportunity for hands-on clinical experience.

In May 2017, New York Medical College signed a 12-year Academic Affiliation Agreement with the Westchester Medical Center Health Network (WMC Health), renewing and strengthening the partnership that had been forged with New York Medical Colleges move to Westchester County in 1971 and expanding the prior agreement between the two institutions, signed in 1994. Under the new agreement, Westchester Medical Center Healths Valhalla hospitals – Westchester Medical Center, Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital and the Behavioral Health Center – were named the primary teaching sites for the clinical education of New York Medical College and Touro College-affiliated programs and New York Medical College agreed to expand its clinical education to other hospitals in the Westchester Medical Center Health Network. New York Medical College and Westchester Medical Center Health also agreed to collaborate on clinical research, offering both institutions an opportunity for significant impact on the future of healthcare.

In the same month, the Touro School of Health Sciences announced the future launch of a nursing program at New York Medical College with the signing of a transfer articulation agreement” with neighboring institution Westchester Community College (WCC). The agreement guaranteed that graduates of WCC’s Associate of Applied Sciences (A.A.S.) in Nursing, would be given full consideration to Touro’s R.N.-to-B.S.N. (Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing) Program at New York Medical College in the fall of 2018.

The introduction of the Touro’s nursing program at New York Medical College represented both a return to the past — New York Medical College had graduated nurses from 1936 to 1962 from the Flower-Fifth Avenue School of Nursing —as well as a promising step toward the future. The curriculum, designed to prepare nurses for enhanced roles in the field, was a natural addition to the Colleges portfolio of health sciences schools and programs.

Today, long-time New York Medical College faculty members and students speak of an outstanding medical education, excellence in teaching, a sense of community and a lasting legacy. They speak of past accomplishments and future expectations. And they speak out of certainty that New York Medical College will remain vital and relevant come what may.


New York Medical College is a health sciences college whose purpose is to educate physicians, scientists, public health specialists, and other healthcare professionals, and to conduct biomedical and population-based research. Through its faculty and affiliated clinical partners, the College provides service to its community in an atmosphere of excellence, scholarship and professionalism. New York Medical College believes that the rich diversity of its student body and faculty is important to its mission of educating outstanding health care professionals for the multicultural world of the 21st century.


The College will continue to be one of the foremost medical schools in the nation accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, offering an educational program leading to the M.D. degree, as well as Master’s and doctoral programs in public health, the biomedical sciences and other health professions. With its wide spectrum of hospital and teaching affiliates, New York Medical College provides excellent educational, research, specialty and primary care opportunities throughout the New York metropolitan and tri-state area.


The New York Medical College will:

  • Educate outstanding physicians, scientists, public health practitioners and other health care professionals;
  • sponsor residency and fellowship programs accredited by the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education;
  • Sponsor continuing medical education programs accredited by the Accreditation Council on Continuing Medical Education. These will be available to all physicians of its affiliated hospitals and other practitioners in the region;
  • Educate the public with innovative programs that integrate the latest research advances with the best clinical practices;
  • Provide educational opportunities with an international perspective through graduate, post-doctoral and other training.


The New York Medical College will:

  • Advance health care through cutting edge basic, clinical and population-based research leading to improved scientific knowledge;
  • Be a leader in translational research discoveries to improve treatment and prevention of disease;
  • Promote excellence in the education of health care professionals through research in medical education.

Clinical Care

The New York Medical College will:

  • With its clinical affiliates, provide outstanding clinical care and service to the community;
  • Incorporate the latest advances in medical knowledge into health care practices;
  • Improve patient care at our clinical affiliates through advances in education and research.

New York Medical College at a Glance:

Enrollment Total:1,982 STUDENTS on-campus and online

  • School of Medicine
  • School of Health Sciences and Practice
  • Graduate School of Basic Medical Sciences
  • Touro College of Dental Medicine
  • Touro College School of Health Sciences' nursing program

Faculty/Student ratio: 2:1

Academic Programs: 46

New York Medical College diversity:

  • 47% White
  • 22% Asian
  • 10% Black
  • 10% self-reported as Hispanic (of any race)
  • 10% Other/ Not Specified
  • less than 1% American Indian/ Native Hawaiian

Number of Faculty: 2,528 (campus-wide)

  • 1,178 Full-time
  • 480 Part-time
  • 1,084 SOM affiliate/volunteer
  • 42 Emeriti

Number of Employees:1,100 (campus-wide)

Campus Size: 54 acres

New York Medical College Student Housing Capacity:504 beds

Volumes and Databases in Health Sciences Library:125,000 holdings

Library Square Footage:22,000 sq. ft.

Total Square Footage Dedicated to Research:~129,000 sq. ft.

Distributed As Student Scholarships:$5.3 Million

Number of Students Awarded Scholarships:400+

New York Medical College ranking by US news and world report during 2018 was 759
New York Medical College ranking by US news and world report during 2019 was 803
New York Medical College ranking by US news and world report during 2020 was 803
New York Medical College ranking by US news and world report during 2021 was 779


  • Doctor of Medicine (M.D)
  • Post-graduate medical education
  • Master of Science (M.S)
  • Master of public health
  • Doctoral Degrees
  • Doctor of Philosophy


The college admits international applicants, provided they have relevant academic qualifications, necessary GPA, English Proficiency test, evaluated official transcripts, and financial support proof. International students at NYMC are required to satisfy some additional criteria in order to apply successfully.

How to apply?

Admission Portal: Draft an Online application following which a supplemental NYMC application will be mailed.

Application Fee:100 USD

Basic Admission Requirements:International students at NYMC need to meet the following requirements for applying successfully-

  • A complete application.
  • Official transcripts evaluated by an approved evaluating agency.
  • Financial support proof.
  • Bank statement to validate for sufficient funds sponsoring the course.
  • English proficiency test scores.
  • Letters of recommendation.

Admission Process

Applicants must keep in mind the procedure of drafting an application before actually beginning with the process.

  • Research about the course that you wish to apply for and check whether or not you meet the eligibility criteria.
  • Draft an AMCAS application.
  • After a successfully drafted AMCAS application, a supplemental NYMC application form is emailed to you.
  • Fill in the form, along with the scanned supporting attachments required.
  • Pay the fees via credit card, cheque, or money order.
  • The application will be followed by an interview if the course suggests. Wait for an acceptance mail for 4-6 weeks.
  • Finally, deposit a sum of 500 USD to reserve your seat for the semester.

Visa Process for International Students

The 1-2 form for visa to study in the USA is generated only after receiving the following important documents from the candidate-

  • Students must fill the International Application Financial Affidavit Form.
  • Original bank statement stating that he has sufficient funds for one year is mandatory.
  • If someone is sponsoring the course for you, then its compulsory to fill the International Sponsor Affidavit Form.

Once the applicant receives an acceptance letter, his documents are verified and the 500 USD deposit received, the I-20 form for visa is provided. Candidates need to fill the I-20 form and pay the concerned fee in order to book an appointment at the nearest US embassy.

New York Medical College Undergraduate Admissions

The college offers undergraduate medical degrees in order to form a base for a medical career. The degree from the institute is highly valued.

Where to Apply:Online Portal

Admission Fee:130 USD

Admission Requirements:Undergraduate applicants must fulfill the below-stated requirements in order to seek admission at New York Medical College-

  • Official MCAT score (88th percentile).
  • Supplement application.
  • Official evaluated transcripts.
  • GPA score (at least 3.6).
  • Financial guarantee proof.
  • English Proficiency for International students.

New York Medical Graduate Admissions

The college is a hub for M.S. or M.D. degrees in various medical disciplines for aspirants seeking to study in the USA. However, to apply for graduate degrees at New York Medical College, students must satisfy specific requirements.

Where to Apply:Online Portal

Application Fee:75 USD for domestic and 100 USD for international applicants.

Admission Requirements:Basic requirements that one must follow for graduate admission are as follows-

  • Supplemental application.
  • Official evaluated transcripts.
  • GPA score (more than 3.0 for most courses).
  • Letters of recommendation.
  • Work experience.
  • Personal statement.
  • GRE, MCAT or DAT scores
Course Duration Tution Fees(1st year) Exams Accepted
M.D Program 4 years INR 42.5 Lakh TOEFL
M.S in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1.5-2 years INR 13.8 Lakh GRE,TOEFL
M.P.H in Behavioral Sciences and Health Promotion 1.5 – 2 Years INR 19.3 Lakh TOEFL


To apply to New York Medical College, you must complete the following course requirements:

  • English: 2 semesters or equivalent
  • General biology with lab: 2 semesters or equivalent
  • Physics with lab: 2 semesters or equivalent
  • General chemistry with lab: 2 semesters or equivalent
  • Organic chemistry with lab: 1 semester or equivalent
  • Biochemistry with or without lab: 1 semester or equivalent

Be aware that, if you have attended a different medical school prior, have withdrawn from a different medical school, or have ever been dismissed from a different medical school, you will not be considered for acceptance at New York Medical College.

If invited for an interview at New York Medical College, you will interview in the multiple-mini interview (MMI) format. During this evaluation process, you should expect to meet and discuss with several different evaluators for brief amounts of time in scenario-based interviews. The goal of the MMI is to evaluate you on your ability to communicate, problem solve, work in a team, think creatively, and convey your ethical and moral reasoning.

In the 2020–2021 application cycles, all interviews will be conducted virtually.


New York Medical College, with more than 1,400 students, 900 residents and fellows, and more than 2,700 faculty members, educates physicians, scientists and health care professionals who are highly qualified to assume leadership roles in the fields of health care and biomedical research. Advanced degrees are awarded from the School of Medicine (M.D., M.S.), the Graduate School of Basic Medical Sciences (M.S., Ph.D.) and the School of Health Sciences and Practice (M.S., M.P.H., D.P.T., and Dr.P.H). Dual degree programs are also offered (M.D. /M.P.H., M.D. /Ph.D. and D.P.T. /M.P.H.).

How New York Medical College collect data:

The student outcomes data below displays graduation, attrition and placement rates of each School of New York Medical College.

  • Data regarding student graduation rates are obtained from the Office of the Registrar.
  • Data regarding student employment following graduation for the SHSP and GSBMS are obtained from annual exit and alumni surveys. These data are reviewed by the office of the dean of each school.
  • Data regarding medical student placement in residency programs is provided by the National Residency Matching Program. These data are reviewed by the Office of the Dean, SOM.
  • Data regarding licensure exam pass rates are obtained from the licensing agencies for physical therapy (American Physical Therapy Association) and speech-language pathology (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association). These data are reviewed by the department chairs and the Office of the Dean, SHSP

Where you will find background information and updates on capital projects. It is a blueprint of our plans for campus improvement and reflects our commitment to sustained growth and supports our mission—to provide service to its community in an atmosphere of excellence, scholarship and professionalism and educate outstanding health care professionals for the multicultural world of the 21st century. This plan emerged when New York Medical College joined the Touro College and University System in 2011, resulting in a shared desire to transform the New York Medical College campus to offer students, faculty and staff new opportunities to enhance the academic experience and highlight New York Medical College’s rich history.


Who is eligible to live on campus?

All students who are enrolled full-time at New York Medical College are eligible to live in Student Housing. Housing is not guaranteed, and we have a certain number of bed spaces allocated to each program. Married students may request housing for themselves and their dependent or spouse. Copies of marriage certificates will be asked for submission of the housing application.

When should I apply for housing?

Incoming first year medical students will receive housing information through the Medical School Admissions Office in May. Students in the School of Basic Medical Sciences should download the application and submit it once they have been accepted into the school. Students in the Speech Language Pathology Program and Doctorate of Physical Therapy Programs will receive information from the Office of Student & Residential Life. Masters of Public Health students should download the application and submit it once they have been accepted to the School of Health Science and Practice. Applications are processed in the order of the date they are received. You should submit your application as early as possible. Applications will not be processed without a check or money order. Current students can apply for housing through our housing Lottery which occurs each spring. Students will receive information regarding the housing lottery system in March

How do I apply for housing?
  • Fill out the entire application form, including your preferences.
  • Submit the completed application with a $200 non-refundable application fee payable to "New York Medical College" using a check or money order. Your application cannot be processed until both the application form and deposit have been received by our office.
  • The receipt of your application will be acknowledged via email and sent to the email address you provided on the online application form.
Is the application fee refundable? What if I change my mind about living on campus after I receive my housing assignment and move-in information?

No, the $200 application fee is not refundable. Please refer to the Student & Residence Life Policy Handbook for the full cancellation policy.

When will I receive my housing assignment and check-in information?

Once we receive your housing application you will receive a confirmation email from the Office of Student & Residential Life confirming receipt of your application and we will indicate in this email when you should expect your housing assignment. We know you are anxious to get this information and we work diligently to produce it as soon as we can. Please recognize that during the summer there are many items we have to make certain are correct before sending out the first-year room assignments. The different programs offered at New York Medical College begin at different times throughout the spring, summer and fall. Below is a general idea of when you should expect your assignment.

First Year Medical Students: Late June- Mid July
Accelerated Medical Sciences Program Students: Late June Mid July
First Year DPT Students: Early May
First Year SLP Students: August
First Year BMS Students: July
First Year MPH Students: August

How are room and roommate assignments made?

All room assignments and roommate placements are based on the information provided on your housing application. We do our best to accommodate everyone's housing preferences first, and then we match you with compatible roommate(s) accordingly. Roommate requests are offered, but are not guaranteed. To increase the chances of roommate pairing, it is recommended that both applicants include their preferred roommate's name on their housing applications, and submit the applications within a one week time frame.

When is the rent due?

All housing students, with the exception of those students receiving military benefits, and BMS Ph.D. student will be billed on a semester basis for housing and telecommunication fees. You should expect to receive two invoices from the Office of the Bursar prior to your arrival; typically the first invoice will not include housing charges.

What is included in a furnished junior one bedroom apartment?

Jr. I bedroom apartments have a queen size bed*, five drawer dresser, desk, sofa, coffee table, kitchen table and chairs, stove, refrigerator, microwave and window shades. There is a closet in each bedroom. There are no dishes, linens, pots, or pans. Furnishings may vary according to the size of the apartment. Lamps are not provided in any of the units. It's important to bring lighting upon moving in.

What is included in grasslands 2 furnished apartments?

in Grasslands II, each bedroom has an extra-long twin bed*, dresser, and desk with a light and a hutch. There is a closet in each bedroom as well. Most common areas also include a sofa, love seat, end tables, coffee table, chairs, kitchen table and chairs, stove, refrigerator, microwave, and window shades. There are no dishes, linens, pots, or pans. There is a closet in each bedroom. Furnishings may vary according to the size of the apartment. Lamps are not provided, it's important to bring lighting with you upon moving in.

What is included in an unfurnished grasslands 1 apartment

Unfurnished apartments include a stove, refrigerator, microwave and window shades. There is a closet in each bedroom, lamps are not provided, and you should bring a lamp upon moving in.

How do I get a parking permit?

Our Security department is responsible for assigning on campus parking. You will receive your parking permit and access to one of the gated parking lots within a few days of moving in. Upon moving in, security will provide you with a temporary parking pass that you can place on your windshield until you receive the permanent sticker and ID card.

When will I get my ID card?

You will receive your student ID card within the first few days of your arrival. This is built into the orientation schedule for first year students.

Where can I do laundry?

There are two laundry rooms located on campus. The Grasslands I laundry room is located adjacent to the superintendent's office (apt 511). You will need your student ID to access the laundry area. There is also a laundry room located in the Student Center.

Can I request a room switch?

It is encouraged that all apartment mates meet at the beginning of their occupancy term in order to establish expectations and guidelines for the apartment. The Office of Student & Residential Life expects students to learn to live with one another and deal with conflict in a mature manner. Our staff is available to assist after students have spoken with roommates on their own. Room changes are approved at the discretion of the Office of Student & Residential Life for extenuating circumstances and can only occur if space is available.

Are pets allowed in the residence halls?

The only pets allowed in the residence halls are fish. There is a maximum tank size of 10 gallons permitted.

Can I burn candles in my room?

No. Because of the risk of fire, burning of candles and incense are not allowed in your room or in your apartment.